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Hunter's Moon in Aries & Lunar Rituals

It's the most wonderfullll time of the year! That's actually how I feel around the Full Moon. I swear each month I get more excited for the Full Moon than I do at Christmas morning. I like to tell everyone I meet like a crazy person about the imminent Full Moon - and then blame every thing that goes wrong on said Full Moon (bad date? full moon. gain 10 pounds? full moon, baby - it's not my fault mercury is in retrograde).

The week before a Full Moon I always have some major (and sometimes not-so-fun) revelations, but once the Full Moon finally hits I am filled with energy, intentions, and a fresh start., what exactly is this Hunter's Moon in Aries ALL ABOUT? And how do I use it to make cool sh*t happen? Hunnnny, keep reading.

This is a powerful Full Moon all about taking the bull by the horns and creating some fire-fuelled ACTION. Aries, the fire sign, is ALL about action. Real freaking talk: Aries signs kinda scare the living poop out of me. BUT! They are amazing at taking massive action and making sh*t happen. This Full Moon ends a period of contemplation and no one is allowed to hide in the shadows anymore - we are being asked to STEP up, take action and start claiming our lives back (as a Virgo I'm like ahh...but do we HAVE to come out of hiding? Aries: I'm WAITINGGGG...) OK OK I'm coming.

This period of time is really about pulling away from old patterns and releasing stories and beliefs that are no longer serving us. It's about having the courage in the time of chaos and allowing more freedom into our lives. TRUSTING in our abilities - know that we have the power to make the choices that need to be made in our lives. It's about putting our foot down - we are done giving ourselves away and not receiving anything in return, especially when it comes to relationships. This may be a time to edit your relationships (AKA, boy bye - you gots to go).

Lastly, this is a beautiful period of TRANSFORMATION. Like the Phoenix Flames it's about re-birth and rising from the ashes. Breaking the chains that hold us back so we can fly.

My translation: get over the SH*T stories we have been telling ourselves, end shitty relationships and edit our lives by cutting out what's no longer working for us, sucking up our self-doubt and just fricking walking towards the flames with our chin held high with the belief and trust in ourselves. Trust me when I say - I'm just as terrified. But the energy of this moon is going to GUIDE us and help us, we have the power of Aries backing us up. It's making us feel a little braver than we could on our own - so make sure you take advantage of this energy. So if you have been sitting on a decision for awhile - this is the time to do it.

Curious about creating a Full Moon ritual for yourself? Here are some of my tips!

  • If you own any crystals, choose crystals that you feel drawn to at this time and meditate with them (I've been reaching for my Moonstone crystal a lot which helps heighten your psychic powers and awareness)

  • Once you are finished with your crystals, set them on a windowsill or outside to charge in the Full Moon light - I also set out my Oracle Cards

  • Write down a list of everything you wish to LET go of and release in your life. This can be feelings, habits, limiting beliefs, people, relationships, jobs, towns - no matter how big or small. Write them down. You can either burn the list or keep it as a reminder of what you'd like to let go. By releasing things no longer serving you - you allow room for MAGIC to enter into your life (ex. that new dream job, the perfect boyfriend, etc)

  • Draw a card from your Tarot or Oracle deck - let this be the guiding theme or lesson of this full moon

  • Come up with an intention or affirmation you can sum up in one or two sentences that will be your guiding force for going forward

  • The week before a Full Moon really try to keep an open mind and journal. I always find the hugest revelations come to me during this time

I will get REAL personal and share with you my list of what I need to release so you can see an example of how to write this out (AND get to know my own personal flaws and f*cked up baggage hehe):

  • I am releasing my FEAR

  • I am releasing my self-doubt, insecurity, and low self-confidence. I now have unwavering belief in myself

  • I am releasing excuses

  • I am releasing the VICTIM mentaity

  • I am releasing the blame game - the only limit is YOU

  • I am releasing matching what people give out. I will instead send out the level of LOVE I want to attract without expectation in return

  • I am releasing the thought of playing small. I'm going to stop hiding my magic and story from the world. I have WORK to do. To heal.

  • I am releasing second guessing. I am TRUSTING THE UNIVERSE fully. Unwaveringly.

  • I AM on the right path. This IS right. I AM following my truth.

  • I am releasing the last chapter of my life. I am walking into the next chapter with love and trust in my heart.

  • Intuition now guides me.

  • I am releasing hiding who I am. I am stepping into being AUTHENTIC.

MY FULL MOON AFFIRMATION - feel free to steal for yourself:

I AM powerful beyond measure.

Now go out, take the bull by the horns, say bye to shitty boys, take action towards your dream life and go create some god damn magic in your life. Hey, Aries said so - so we better do it.

Nama-freaking-stay, Katelyn

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