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Let's Sell Our Sh*t + Move to Hawaii

🙏🏼Wayne dyer what a special teacher he was (and continues to be). This morning he reminded me of something. One of my favourite stories of his is when he explains out of nowhere in his 60's he had this urge to get rid of all of his material possessions and move to Hawaii, to write a very special book for a year.

Working in fashion and being a fashion student I did fall down the rabbit hole of material possessions, designer goods, etc. I now practice the philosophy of Minimalism and no longer am I impressed by designer handbags or think I am less of a person because I don't have those things. I cannot describe the sense of freedom this gives you (and the positive impact this can have on your bank account 😂). I still love fashion, but my views have changed.

One great tip if you're looking to save money is use what you have now. It's amazing when we stop wanting more (and focusing on our lack) and stop for a moment to look and be grateful for what we have. And wow, do I have a lot of shit (pardon my French -"stuff"). Why am I buying a 30 dollar face wash when I literally have 5 perfectly good ones? Right now I am in the process of using up what I have. It's a good feeling. I also can now look at things I own and really realize I didn't need them. And when we stop focusing on what we lack, we really do start feeling grateful for how much we actually have.

Nigeria ranks higher than the US on a happiness scale - so remember, this "stuff" is not the root of happiness - in fact, I think it's weighing us down. By focusing on needing "more, more, more" we focus on our lack - the root of all happiness is gratitude. So instead of buying almost absent mindededly every week stuff that I didnt even really love, just "oh that's cute I'll buy that" - it now makes me soooo much more grateful for what I own. I take care of things more, I appreciate them. And if I do happen to buy anything at all this summmer, you better believe I'm going to be obsessed with it, something I truly love. Instead - I'm saving my money for travel, experiences, paying off debt instead of buying things I probably won't even like by the fall. Give it a try and see what happens, what's the harm ☀️

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