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Manifesting my Twin Flame Story

Before this summer, if you had uttered the words “Twin Flame” to me - I would have looked at you like you had two heads and absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. Before this summer, I had heard of Soul Mates but never Twin Flames. Oh, do I miss those days! Ignorance surely is bliss.

Now, sadly, I know all too well about Twin Flames.

This will be the 1st post in my Twin Flame series but to summarize briefly for now - a Twin Flame is someone who might help you to open new pathways and opportunities. You feel a strange, inexplicable sense of “recognition” when you meet the person. This might manifest itself as déjà vu, or an unshakable feeling that you've known this person before, or are somehow “meant to be together.” Relationships with twin flames tend to on and off again, intensely passionate, and sometimes intensely painful. They are the mirrors of our souls. I see Twin Flames as the other half of our soul. Wandering and drifting until we meet ourselves in each lifetime - when we meet them, this can be a life changing, spiritual experience. Again, it can also be an extremely painful experience.

Legend says a Twin Flame is someone who gets you ready for your soul mate. However, what is so difficult about a twin flame relationship is you confuse the intense love and passion for meaning you are meant to be. You are trying to make the Twin Flame who is simply your “teacher” into a soul mate - who is your “forever love”. This gives me hope that at least my soul mate is the next step.

I can’t begin to tell you how much I procrastinated sitting down to write about this topic and my experience meeting mine. I’ve now read up a lot regarding twin flames. But frankly, my heart still feels heavy and I didn’t want to face writing about my experience as it really flipped my world upside down and rocked me to my core.

How it all began. This summer I manifested my exact “dream person”. After being single for the first time in over four years - I’ve had a string of bad dates and overall bad luck in the relationship department this year. I was starting to get convinced I had some seriously bad karma from a past life. My hairdresser advised me to not focus so much on these past, terrible (yet hilarious) dating experiences, but instead get very clear and very specific about WHAT I wanted to manifest in my life.

What exactly did my dream person look like to me?

So, that day after my hair appointment I drove down the road (with fabulous hair I might add) and manifested my dream person. In less than one week this person manifested into my life. Seriously one of the most insane, magical experiences of my life. SPOOKY AF.

It was WILD how eerily down to the specifics this person matched my manifestation. I wanted him to be deep, yet immature like me, and be able to laugh at jokes and not take himself too seriously. A spiritual, free spirit. Someone not concerned with consumerism but who looked for deeper meaning in life. Who was eccentric and had a unique view on life like me. I pictured him living on a farm, in the country a little bit. Good looking. Kind. I wanted him to drive a pick-up truck. Likes a wide variety of music, open minded. Knows how to have a good time. Someone who likes to travel. But wait, I said, wouldn’t this free spirited nomad be on the other side of the world if they were such a free spirited gypsy? This vision all of a sudden wasn’t making sense. Okay, I rationalized - this person would be like me currently stuck at a crossroads, living in their hometown with their family simply waiting for their next adventure (and yes, I wanted him to have strong ties to his family). He would be like me with a past history of travel but here for now simply saving up and waiting until his next move to travel.

Now the WAY in which we crossed paths wasn’t exactly magical - but yet, this is modern day after all. And we are modern day hippies. SO welcome in the world of Tinder - which I’m sure you’ve all heard of. I didn’t typically use this app however I was on the way home from a camping trip on an island up north this summer where I was stuck in the car for 5 hours. Confined, bored, restless. This sudden intuitive feeling - “go on Tinder” came over me. So, while in the car driving past his hometown he was online and so was I. The synchronicity of this kind of blows my mind. Right place, right time. He ‘super liked me’ - ah again, modern day romance. I’m sure our ancestors are rolling in their grave at this haha!

We talked, we clicked, on a very deep instant level. Something I cannot very well articulate to you. A connection I couldn’t really put into words. He fit the bill of EVERYTHING I had manifested. Right down to the pick-up truck, living with his family until his next roadtrip, deep yet silly, - everything.

But beyond that, there was something more. Something I cannot describe to you. Something I did not know existed before meeting him. When I saw him in person - he felt so familiar. We hugged. When we hugged it was like a lightning of energy surged through our bodies. A connection. It felt like coming home to something you had been to before - but had not seen for a very, very long time. Maybe lifetimes. Like hugging and finding a long lost toy you used to know so well but had been lost in an attic for decades. Simply - two souls that are the same, connecting again in this lifetime.

To be continued….

Have you ever had a Twin Flame experience?

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