"Aligned is the new hustle"
Lately, I can't seem to stay in one place for too long. Once again I have packed up my entire life into a van and will be hitting the road to do a one-way road trip through the States and then settle into a small mountain town in Alberta, Canada where I do not know a soul. Lately I have been listening to my intuition and allowing it to guide me. Trust over fear.
I am currently 28 years old residing with my family in my hometown in Ontario where I grew up in. Born and raised.
This isn't the first time I've abandoned my familiar, comfortable life at home for "greener pastures". Last February 2016 I returned home after spending 1 year away travelling the world all over from Vietnam to New Zealand. While I do love my hometown, I have outgrown it in so many ways and it is now come time to move on again and start a brand new chapter. This time I have a feeling there is no coming back. When I returned from travelling, my mindset and perspective have been so changed that my mind can no longer go back to its original dimensions or way of thinking. It's been difficult to come home to my hometown where nothing has changed; but I have.
I recently quit my 9-5 office life in the search of something where I can add more value into the lives of others, where I can help more, heal more, write more, do yoga, spend more energy into alignment over hustle. The direction that called to me was WEST. I had a calling that I have even bigger work set out for me. A responsibility to add value, to help people, heal yourself and heal others. Ironic that my Instagram handle is @hippiegirlinacorporateworld - and that is just how I remain to be. A hippie girl lost in this corporate, consumerism world searching for more.
My intuition has been calling me to... Chase happiness over money Deeper meaning over materialism Inner peace over consumerism Spirituality over zeros Slower pace over the rat race Intention over robotic, revolving-door routines Awareness over automatic Fulfillment over ambition Helping over selling Contribution over numbers More living less existing More adventure less desk More helping people less staring at screens Yoga over highway traffic More authenticity less formal e-mails
Minimalism over material objects F r e e d o m
"The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds." - Dalai Lama
I love that quote and believe it to be so true. Especially now. I truly believe this fast-paced go-go-go lifestyle working ourselves to death, spending time in rush hour traffic, and spending our money on material objects is catching up to us. We are realizing that hustle does not equate to happiness. Being #ZenAF is now becoming the goal rather than #BusyAF. So, I ask you - if money was no object, what would you be doing? For me...I would want to be free, travel, learn, and teach. I would want to write, to help, to heal. My happiness and fulfillment does not come from money in the bank, shopping for clothes, or material objects. These are our temporary distractions in life; our real happiness goes beyond zeros and objects.
In this next chapter I am falling back and trusting the Universe completely. Blindly. Unwaveringly. It's strange but I have an absence of any fear, only trust. Excited to share more of my journey as this unfolds with you. I've finally listened to my intuition that said you have big work to do on this earth, the real work you were meant for.
So, if I can pass on any advice it would be to follow your intuition and never stop pushing forward. Do not stay on the same page in life out of fear, have the courage to turn the page even if you don't exactly know what's coming next. There is power in your intuition, listen, it will not lead you astray. And if you are like me - and you don't have it all figured out just yet - don't worry. Life is really about the journey, not the destination. Not rushing from one place to the next. So have a direction you want to go to but don’t be so focused on the destination that you forget to enjoy the ride.
What is your soul calling you to do? What is the work, the real work, you were put on this earth to do?